Gunnison High School Intro to Woodshop students have made sawhorses which are being sold during the Homecoming football game on the sidelines near the endzone on October 6th to raise funds for future woodshop projects. The sawhorses will be sold as a pair for $75 and handmade Bat houses will be sold for $25. The sawhorses are made in the school shop by a pair of students. While interviewing Mr. Phipps he said, “ I chose the sawhorses because they are an easy first project for students to make and they are very useful.”. A sawhorse is a structure used to support a piece of wood for cutting. A pair of sawhorses can support much larger wood and can be used for tool storage. Each duo of students makes two individual sawhorses. The saw horses take about a roughly an hour to make and each sawhorse is painted or stained. The sawhorses will also be seen in the homecoming parade on the student-decorated floats.